Glacier National Park. Amazing place. I took this while on a road trip with my buddy Seth. Every chance I get, I drive through Glacier. It is one of those places that sticks with you. Once you've been there you always remember it. Or at least that is how it is for me. Clear lakes, proud mountains, rushing rivers, beautiful, wild country. Cherish the wild places around you.
The first 2 summers I was here in CA i took some time off. Summer number 1, the brother sister team of Kate and Stephen flew out and we drove the length and height of the country. Three of us living in a 2door honda civic for 10 (ten) days. Can you imagine? If you have a similar story, please share it. It was such a fun time! We watched the world cup in Salt Lake City in an Applebees. We saw Yellowstone and then the Grand Canyon.
Summer number 2, Seth flew out and we took the northern route. Gabe's wedding. Good times. We got pulled over and searched after seeing Mt Rushmore, Seth tried to steal Washington... just kidding. It was an ordeal, funny now, and even a little bit at the time. We were looking pretty rough, many days on the trail. Good times.
Labels: fisheye, glacier, medicine lake, mountains, national park, rockies, taylor adam swift, taylor swift